Upcoming 4-hour Defensive Handgun Classes Sunday, February 11th Only 12 Spots Available (Private Class) Will Take Place In The Law Enforcement
Range 9am & 1pm
Class Price $100
Do you have a CCW Permit or in the process of applying for one? Challenge yourself and participate in one of our intermediate defensive handgun classes. Curt Hamett only offers this class three times a year.
This class has been designed to teach you how to respond to a threat of immediate danger. You will learn how to draw your firearm from concealment and respond to a threat.
You will be taught various skill-building drills and techniques to be ready for not “if” but “when” that threat appears. Learn how to get your firearm out, up on target, and get those rounds down the range on target every time.
Required Equipment
50 rounds of ammunition (no steel ammunition.)
Concealment holster or whatever form of concealment you use.
Must be dressed in daily concealment attire.
Bring eye protection and ear protection. (or you purchase here if needed.)
Minimum 2 magazines.( if you have more
Speedloader recommended but not required.
Curt Hamett
Curt Hamett began his career with the Police Science Institute in 2009. He is one of our senior CCW Instructors with over 40 years of shooting experience. He teaches a variety of firearms training courses and is versed in defensive firearms training, personal protection, holster techniques, and marksmanship.
For Questions on the class contact Instructor Curt Hamett (559) 259-8814
For any other questions email jessica@policescience.com
Reminder Email Will Be Send Out On Friday, February 9th, 2024