Stop the Bleed

The Fresno Community Regional Hospital

Will Be Hosting

Two Classes,

First Class: 1PM-2PM

Second Class: 2PM-3PM

Saturday, May 8th, 2021

12 Spots Available Per Class

Online Registration Only!

Free Class

Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from traumatic injury. Injuries can have many causes, both accidental and intentional. That’s why it’s important to be prepared when injuries happen. You could save a life.

A person who is bleeding can die from loss of blood within five minutes. Our “Stop the Bleed” training teaches you how to quickly stop blood loss. It’s part of the national “Stop the Bleed” awareness campaign and aims to encourage bystanders to get trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency.


Police Science Institute

5133 N. Gates Suite 102

Fresno CA 93722

Classroom #3